If you are considering becoming a massage therapist there a few things you should ask yourself: Will you be able to withstand the grueling physical demands? As a massage therapist, aside from standing for hours a day, you will be using your own body to help you do you work. Obviously your hands are a very important, but you should know forearm work is often involved. Could you imagine kneading dough for hours a day? Well working in the massage industry has the same effect on your hands and joints. This work is considered rigorous, thus making the burnout rate in massage therapy very high. What are some advantages and disadvantages of massage therapy work? Massage therapy offers flexible income. Some start a massage therapy business as a way to supplement their income, when they already have stable career jobs. Should you choose to work as an independent massage therapist, we can help you find the right massage table or chair for you, feel free to call us with any questions. Starting an at home business can be beneficial, considering your massage clients are all your own. However, you should keep in mind that with a recent demand in body work, your massage services will be requested and you will be busy. It won’t take long to find work even though you are just out of school. That doesn't mean you will be making a ton of money right off the bat. But you will be helping people for a living and the work is rewarding. You’ll gain the satisfaction of helping others overcome injuries and manage the symptoms of medical conditions, as well as reducing stress and improving their well being. How do I obtain my massage license? You will need to complete a massage therapy program at an accredited school, do not rush this decision. Make sure you do your research, take tours and if possible ask students about their experience. Not every state has the same licensing requirements for massage therapists, so check your state’s regulatory board to make sure your massage therapy program meets the minimum requirements. This is a process your school should be able to help you through as well.
AuthorProfessional Wholesale Massage: Archives
March 2023