There are a few different massage techniques to consider depending on your specific preferences as a professional. You must consider, what the most appropriate massage is to perform on your client based on their specific needs and areas of concern. I know for me personally, when I go to get a massage, I tell my therapist to focus on my neck and shoulders because that is where I carry the majority of my stress. A deep tissue massage would benefit me the most when compared to other types or styles of massage because it offers a better manipulation of muscles that helps to hit the deep layers of tissue that is most satisfying to me.
Swedish Massage - Performed using gentle, yet firm and long strokes that promote a very relaxing and enjoyable massage without the deep pressure that may be a bit too uncomfortable for clients who prefer a lighter touch. Deep Tissue Massage - Very similar to the Swedish Massage, Deep Tissue Massage offers a relaxing and enjoyable massage that uses more pressure that penetrates the deeper layers of tissue and muscle in order to get the relief needed for someone who prefers a deeper pressure as apposed to a gentle touch. Shiatsu Massage - Mostly used to stimulate levels of energy that are important to the natural flow of circulation. Medium pressure, combined with circular rapid motions, make this massage not only satisfying but very essential to the clients overall emotional and physical well being.
AuthorProfessional Wholesale Massage: Archives
March 2023